Identifier | Title | Location | Date | Languages | Translations | Images |
apf 56 240 | List of names List … | unbekannt | 100 BCE - 1 BCE | grc, grc | None | Img (ext.), Print |
apf 58 113 | Quittung für chortos Quittung … | Oxyrhynchites, Ägypten | 401 CE - 500 CE | grc, grc | en | Img (ext.) |
basp 48 47 | Apprenticeship contract for a carpenter Apprenticeship … | Theadelpheia (Arsinoites) | 128 CE | grc, grc | None | Img (ext.), Print |
basp 48 92 | Receipt for rent on land Receipt … | Hermopolis | 601 CE - 650 CE | grc, grc | None | Img (ext.), Print |
basp 49 56 | A temple declaration from Early Roman Egypt A … | unbekannt | 1 CE - 100 CE | grc, grc | None | Img (ext.), Print |
basp 49 101 | Epikrisis request Epikrisis … | Oxyrhynchos (Oxyrhynchites) | 238 CE - 244 CE | grc, grc | None | Img (ext.) |
basp 49 109 | keiner keiner | Arsinoites ?, Ägypten | 201 CE - 300 CE | grc, grc | None | Img (ext.), Print |
basp 49 135 | Fragment of a letter + Letter of Paniskos to Aion Fragment … | Koptos | 297 CE | grc, grc | en | Img (ext.) |
basp 49 147 | Receipt for embole from Aphrodito Receipt … | Aphrodito (Antaiopolites, Ägypten) | 501 CE - 600 CE | grc, grc | en | Img (ext.), Print |
basp 50 166 | Receipt from Alexandros to Anoubion Receipt … | Arsinoites ? | 476 CE - 525 CE | grc, grc | en | Img (ext.) |
basp 56 56 1 | Petition to the Epistates of Philadelpheia Petition … | Philadelphia (Arsinoites, Ägypten); erworben: - 1924 | 75 BCE - 1 BCE | grc, grc | None | Img (ext.), Print |
basp 56 60 2 | Petition to the Epistates of Theadelpheia Petition … | Theadelphia (Arsinoites, Ägypten); erworben: - 1925 | 25 BCE - 25 CE | grc, grc | None | Img (ext.), Print |
basp 56 120 | New Evidence for the Circular Gymnasium and the City Fund in Antinoopolis New … | Antinoopolis | 263 CE | grc, grc | None | Img (ext.), Print |
basp 56 122 | Account of measures of grain Account … | Antinoopolis | 263 CE | grc, grc | None | Img (ext.), Print |
basp 58 385 | List of liturgical workers List … | Karanis (Arsinoites, Ägypten) | 301 CE - 400 CE | grc, grc | en | Img (ext.) |