To search anywhere within a record enter the word or words in the search box, e.g.:
Bowman or Bowman land (space between words = 'and').
To restrict searches to specific fields enter, e.g.: author:Hombert title:bibliographie
date:1932. A search title:"land lease" finds all records with the phrase "land lease" or
"land-lease" in the title. A search for title:(land lease) finds all records with the the
word "land" and the word "lease" in the title.
Such search constraints work with the following fields: author:,
title:, date:, note:,
index:, editor:, pubPlace:,
original: (original = the entire original BP record).
Accents are ignored, so that etudes finds études. Wildcard searches are possible, so that ptolem* will find
Ptolemy, Ptolemies, Ptolémées vel sim.