Identifier | Title | Location | Date | Languages | Translations | Images |
zpe 186 239 1 | Receipt for beer tax Receipt … | Phebichis (Herakleopolites, Ägypten) | 245 BCE | egy-Egyd, egy-Egyd, grc, grc | en | Img (ext.), Print |
zpe 186 241 2 | Receipt for beer tax Receipt … | Herakleopolites ?, Ägypten | 244 BCE | egy-Egyd, egy-Egyd, grc, grc | en | Img (ext.), Print |
zpe 186 242 3 | Receipt for beer tax Receipt … | Herakleopolites ?, Ägypten | 244 BCE | egy-Egyd, egy-Egyd, grc, grc | en | Img, Img (ext.), Print |
zpe 186 249 | A New Ptolemaic Papyrus from the Columbia University Collection A … | Ägypten | 300 BCE - 201 BCE | grc, grc | None | Img, Print |
zpe 186 257 | A Short Note on SB XXII 15793 A … | Fundort: Karanis (Arsinoites, Ägypten); Schreibort: Krokodilopolis (Arsinoites, Ägypten) | 222 CE - 235 CE | grc, grc | en | Img (ext.), Print |
zpe 186 258 2124 | Five mummy labels from the Hilton Price Collection Five … | Memnoneia - Djeme (Thebes west) | 300 BCE - 300 CE | grc, grc | None | Print |
zpe 186 258 2125 | Five mummy labels from the Hilton Price Collection Five … | Arsinoites | 300 BCE - 300 CE | grc, grc | None | Print |