Identifier | Title | Location | Date | Languages | Translations | Images |
p.zen.pestm 33 | Memorandum from Herieus Memorandum … | Arsinoites | 300 BCE - 201 BCE | grc, grc | None | Print |
p.zen.pestm 34 | Letter from Hermaphilos (?) to Zenon Constituting an Order for Payment of Salary in Wine Letter … | Arsinoites | 300 BCE - 201 BCE | grc, grc | None | Img (ext.) |
p.zen.pestm 35 | Account Submitted by Hermias to Zenon Account … | Arsinoites | 300 BCE - 201 BCE | grc, grc | None | Img (ext.) |
p.zen.pestm 36 | Letter from Menes to Zenon Letter … | Arsinoites | 257 BCE | grc, grc | en | Img (ext.) |
p.zen.pestm 37 | Lettre de Nikôn à Zénon Lettre … | Arsinoites | 257 BCE | grc, grc | None | Img (ext.), Print |
p.zen.pestm 38 | Letter from Onnophris to Zenon Letter … | Arsinoites | 253 BCE | grc, grc | en | Img, Img (ext.), Print |
p.zen.pestm 39 | Brief des Pataikion an Zenon Brief … | Arsinoites | 250 BCE | grc, grc | None | Img (ext.) |
p.zen.pestm 40 | Letter from Pausanias to Zenon Letter … | Arsinoites | 228 BCE | grc, grc | None | Print |
p.zen.pestm 41 | Letter from Paüs to Zenon Letter … | Arsinoites | 300 BCE - 201 BCE | grc, grc | None | Img (ext.), Print |
p.zen.pestm 42 | Lettre de Philônidês à Zénon Lettre … | Arsinoites | 257 BCE | grc, grc | en | Img, Img (ext.), Print |
p.zen.pestm 43 | Mémoire de Sôsitimos à Zénon Mémoire … | Arsinoites | 300 BCE - 201 BCE | grc, grc | None | Img (ext.), Print |
p.zen.pestm 44 | Lettre de Sôstratos à Zénon Lettre … | Arsinoites | 253 BCE | grc, grc | None | None |
p.zen.pestm 45 | Declaration to Zenon from Stepanos Declaration … | Arsinoites | 300 BCE - 201 BCE | grc, grc | None | Img (ext.) |
p.zen.pestm 46 | Letter Addressed to Zenon Letter … | Arsinoites | 252 BCE | grc, grc | None | Img (ext.), Print |
p.zen.pestm 47 | Communication Addressed to Zenon Communication … | Arsinoites | 300 BCE - 201 BCE | grc, grc | None | Print |